The Sharp Cat Catters are a team of dedicated mailing professionals
Once a Sharp Cat, long time a Sharp Cat Catter…… after 12 months of committed service all the Catters are hand drawn up into a unique character. Each Catter is made up of a theme as well as the Catter’s own photograph. Some of the Catters are below. If you are a client already then you might recognise some faces!
- Client Services
Alan uses the force to manage your direct mail jobs. Always fighting to ensure deadlines are met.
01256 382066 - Data ServicesUsing a matrix of tools, Adam ensures all data we process is 100% correct.01256-382071
- Client ServicesYou do not need to shine a torch up into the sky to get help with Alex around. He will ensure that projects go out on time. He keeps everyone focused on the deadlines.01256-740574
- Hand Collation
The mailing gang are never happier than when they're making envelopes orderly.
- Transport
Chirpy Robin boards materials from Scotland to Cornwall and many places in between.
- Geolist
She’s a mysterious but powerful force in Geolist© household and business data
- Social Media
Media Meghan buzzes around the internet daily looking for interesting DM news and making great connections.
- Account Management
Friendly, outdoorsy cat Fred is right on target when it comes to organising DM campaigns
- Research and Development
Ideas, innovation, testing and implementation.
From R&D Steve of not-in-a-box thinking.
01256 740 572 - Mail Production
Sunshiny Debbie juggles the mail schedules effortlessly, assigning resource and making checks.
- Production Offices
The Angel is here, he's there, he’s everywhere.
Looking after the Print Department to personalise 1,000's of items a day.
- Client Services
Fred manages a daily orchestral symphony in DM operations. Harmonious.
01256 767400