Direct Mail or Door Drop

Posted Mail or Door Drop?

So how good are they when compared. Posted Mail or Door Drop?

Posted Mail

Posted mail is delivered to specific homes and businesses, addressed to the occupants therein. A door drop campaign involves the delivery of non addressed documentation to every building within a certain geographical area. Both methods spread the word of businesses or products to many people in a short space of time. And even if documents aren’t personalised, they can still entice potential customers.

However this lack of a targeted audience is what disadvantages door drops in comparison to direct mail. This is because if you’re familiar with the demographics of your target audience, you can divert your direct mail marketing campaign to those who are most likely to be interested. You can use your previous mailing lists and sales statistics to compile a list of recipients. You can consider the age or gender of the addresses occupants, their profession or employment status. Perhaps even their household size and income. Conversely, a non postal campaign requires no previous research into house occupants and demographics. Although this does save time, it does also mean that the wrong demographic of some people are also receiving your marketing material. This is the reason that a much bigger coverage is needed to obtain the same result.

Door Drop

A literature drop is particularly beneficial for covering a specific area for legal or venue requirements, for instance building planning communications or events. In these instances Sharp Cat can provide a geo-map created either from a drawn geographical map of your target area, your chosen postcodes, towns or voting districts. However in these instances a non-addressed but posted communication has major benefits over a door  drop.

  • The information is known to be delivered to every household
  • The mail won’t be returned – because the addressee is generic
  • There’s no requirement to MPS suppress the mail – so you can reach every household
  • Communications are to The Resident, Householder, Occupant – no omission of an individual occupant on the naming

When deciding whether direct mail or door drop marketing is going to be most beneficial to your company, you’ll also want to consider response rates. DMA research* shows:

Perception: “Door drops don’t have any impact on campaign effectiveness.” Reality: 88% of respondents say door drop campaigns have boosted awareness of a company’s product or service.

Perception: “Door drops response rates are lower than direct mail material.” Reality: Door drop response rates compare well with direct mail.

By using a door drop campaign you will save money on postage per delivery address. The post can still be delivered by Royal Mail (HDS) plus there are alternative distributors. For reliable delivery services ask Sharp Cat about these specialised providers. Don’t be put off by cost per unit because although postage rates cost more per envelope, it’s the return per unit that counts. If properly targeted you should be able to send less material out for the same response result. For this reason post often wins as the best cost per response in comparison with door drop.

Conclusion from us

Whether you choose direct mail or door drop marketing campaigns, both offer a low initial cost. They also offer a UK wide outreach for a potential positive return upon investment. Both direct mail and door drop services are efficient and effective marketing tools when prepared and executed effectively.

For more information and guidance on your next Direct Mail – Door Drops? –  call us on 0208 946 1234

What about Emailing instead?

*From the DMA How to Guide Users Guide to Door Drop Marketing. THE DIRECT MARKETING ASSOCIATION (UK) LTD 2012.


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