PIRS Mailing Report
A full PIRS, Postal Information Report is sent out for each mailing after it has been collected for posting. The report is a complete record of the mailing carried out and drills into fine detail. The report is provided by email. Hard copy reports are also available by post. If you would like to send a PIRS mailing report on to a client or associate the report can be branded with your logo.
Snippets from a typical report are shown below and include information about:
- what was mailed, description and image
- the quantity mailed
- useful statistics about the data
- geographical coverage of households/businesses
- the number of trees planted by cumulative total
- returns received for previous related mailings
This contains the references unique to your mailing

At Sharp Cat we strongly believe in protecting the environment. For every mailing posted tree planting points are added. This shows how many trees your mailings have planted.

This shows what settings you enabled for your mailing.

Using our bespoke data software we are able to provide you with useful summaries of your data!

As part of our data cleaning services we will scan your data in order to provide you with useful summaries. The map above will show you where your mailing has been sent out, based on the postcodes provided in the data.

This shows the account managers who are responsible for ensuring your mailing is sent out to your specifications. You will always have two account managers to guide your project.

Add your own Branding to our mailing reports
We can add some branding to the reports if you would like so you can present them to your client. All we need to do is add a Header and Footer image to the report we generate. We can add your logo and some branding taken from your website however if you have a design team please feel free to provide us with the branding you would prefer.
Please use the templates shown here – Header and Footer